I never could get behind religious minded individuals who would seek to discredit me and my beliefs. Once a particular faith gets too organized, they usually begin looking for folks that they can convert to their own doctrine. And frankly, I am suspicious of any organization that wants me as a member, and I am even more suspicious of any individual or group who thinks they have 'The Answer'.
I will be the first to tell you that I don't claim to have the answer. I only know what works for me. And I will be the last person on this beautiful earth to try to convert you to my way of thinking.
But just so you know where we stand, here is my own, personal theology in a nutshell - take what you need. If it helps you, great. If it doesn't jibe with your own belief, please know that I respect your path and promise not to question your faith in it. Please return the favor.
I do believe in a higher power, though I don't believe that anyone, living or dead, has figured it out and explained it yet. Maybe some day, but I doubt it. It is human nature to try and analyze, label and explain everything we experience. It is my belief that humans, as a species, have not evolved far enough to comprehend the true nature of God, for lack of a better word. Nevertheless, I have felt it's presence, in nature, in love, in music, art, poetry and dance. I have felt God's presence while witnessing birth and death, and in times of crisis, peril and tragedy. And I can't remember, but I imagine that God was there when I was very, very young...steering me away from danger, manifested in the loving, trusting wide-eyed smile that all babies and small children share.
I have also experienced God while high on psychedelics, and other mind-altering substances, but I am almost certain that any of these things consumed in excess can be detrimental to your spiritual path.
And that is all the faith I need to be a believer. "Who feels it knows it." And I believe that this higher power exists within us, within everything, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.
I believe that karma is gonna get you. Everything that you do, good and bad, is gonna come back to you. Learn to forgive and love yourself so that you may truly forgive and love others. Accept and give love as often as you can. Forgive those who truly don't deserve it. Keep an open mind (read this one as often as necessary). Seek out your true self and honor it's existence by being the best 'you' that you can be. Be kinder than you are required to be to children, animals, sick people, the elderly and the poor. Honor the dead by learning from their mistakes and carrying on their good deeds, especially those traditions which uplift, bring joy and comfort to those that they leave behind. Read more books. Listen to what others have to say. Do not judge others - the laws of nature (and karma) will take care of that. Do what you know is right.
Realize that intention is vibration, and that vibration is what makes up the physical plane. You can cause great damage just by being negative and obsessive. You can also do vast amounts of good through positive prayer and meditation.
Realize that alleviating internal struggle is often as simple as making peace with your dark side, while nurturing the light that shines within you.
Be open to the possiblity that incredible opportunities await you every single day, otherwise, you might not recognize them, and they will move on. Don't take me, these words or yourself too seriously. Lighten up. Laugh more.
Do your thing.