click on image above for "the ten commandments of successful daily living"...amen!
the ongoing saga of Papa Mali, a touring musician and defender of mystic truths and fables, both modern and ancient.
In the coming weeks and months, I will be talking about records. Records that I collect. Records that I would like to collect. And definitely records that I LOVE to listen to. Mostly vinyl records, 45s and LPs, but if I dig it, it can be recorded on an old cassette tape and I'll write about it. Hee hee...well, uh..of course...not YOUR band, dear reader. But this is precisely why my thousands of old vinyl records give me so much pleasure. They don't sound like anything I can go out and hear at my neighborhood tavern or find on modern television. They come from a different era (mostly 1930s thru 1970s in my case, and especially the '60s and early '70s). The scratchiness seems to enhance my listening pleasure, as I drift back to a time when all I had to worry about was where my next record was coming from. I love lifting the needle on to the groove. I love holding the sleeve in my two hands, staring at the artwork, re-reading the liner notes and singing along in my head to the lyric sheet. I love making mixtapes ( or mix CDs...I swear, even CDs sound superior when they are burned from a vinyl record!) Heard any good records lately?